The New Meadowlands team has released a Draft Scope of Work to prepare an EIS which outlines the proposed project’s purpose and need, initial range of alternatives, resource areas to be addressed, proposed analytical methodologies, and other elements. The Draft Scope of Work has also been published in the Federal Register.

The State is asking for public comments on the Draft Scope of Work. You can also give comments at the next public meeting. All comments need to be submitted by July 21, 2016.

If you are interested in providing comments on the Draft Scoping Document,  you can submit comments to the NJDEP by email to or by mail to

Mr. Dennis Reinknecht, 
RBD Program Manager,
Engineering and Construction,
Office of Flood Hazard Risk Reduction Measures,
501 East State Street,
Mail Code 501-01A, P.O. Box 420,
Trenton, NJ 08625-0420.
