State, Federal and local agencies are working together to implement components of the Public Sediment for Alameda Creek project which originated out of the Resilient by Design Bay Area Challenge. One exciting project is the design for a 300 linear foot “Gravel Beach and Berm” pilot project at the Eden Landing Ecological Reserve in South San Francisco Bay which has received funding through a National Coastal Resilience Grant administered by the California State Coastal Conservancy and California Fish and Wildlife Services. 

The nearly $500,000 grant will cover design, cost estimates, and pilot documentation for a 300-linear foot (2-mile) gravel beach and berm shoreline protection feature that will reduce wave action and enhance local ecology. The pilot is designed to support localized shorebird nesting habitat and erosion control at the bay’s edge, with the overall goal of reducing risk to 1,300 acres of restored wetlands. As part of the pilot, the team is planning a public “Gravel Beach Symposium” for this spring. 

The Public Sediment Team has received numerous awards for their work, including a national planning award from the American Society of Landscape Architects recognizing that their analysis and planning represents a paradigm shift in how we plan for climate change, as well as an American Institute of Architects California Merit Award: Urban Design, Architect’s Newspaper’s Best of Design Award for Analogue Representation and a “Great Places Award” in the Place Research Category.
