Alameda Sun: Several Alameda locations have been nominated to be part of a study that aims to provide unique solutions to locations most vulnerable to climate change and natural disasters.

The Resilient by Design-Bay Area Challenge is a collaborative research-and-design initiative that connects leaders in design and urban planning with local community members to tackle specific locations that are more susceptible to catastrophic damage in the event of natural disasters. The program will enlist architects, engineers, designers and students from all over the world to team with community members and local governments to find the best solutions.  

Earlier this year, the program’s sponsors received bids from the publicfor potential site ideas for the Bay Area study. Four of the 51 sites nominated for the study are located in Alameda. The four sites are Alameda as a whole, Bay Farm Island (along with the Oakland Airport), Alameda Point and West Alameda. 

The Resilient by Design team released a report of each location and described the challenges they face. The report said all four locations are vulnerable to flooding, sea-level rise, liquefaction, earthquake/earthquake fires and aging infrastructure. The reason for concern for Alameda is its low elevation at just 30 feet above sea level. Continue reading>>
