June 10, 2016

All Day

University of Bridgeport Student Center, Great Room
244 University Ave
Bridgeport, CT
United States

An open workshop and a brownbag lunch discussion at the design center in downtown will target stakeholder who work in, but may not live in, the study area. That evening, moving into the core of the South End study area, a series of walking tours and a participatory workshop over dinner will engage local residents in a conversation about the pilot project alternatives and the overall strategy for the district.

The full day is structured to attract a full range of stakeholders by providing different types of events at various venues and at different times of day. The design team will learn from residents and other local stakeholders and participants will learn how other established communities are evolving in the face of the challenges associated with global warming. More info here.

Open House

4 – 7 p.m: University of Bridgeport Student Center, Great Room (244 University Ave.)

Come learn about the coastal resilience and planning efforts in Bridgeport. The Open House will include information on the Resilient Bridgeport project, with a focus on design conditions and potential pilot project components. Light refreshments will be served, and open to the public.

Neighborhood Walk: Stories on the Ground

5 – 6 p.m: Meeting Point: University of Bridgeport Student Center, Great Room (244 University Ave.)

Join the Resilient Bridgeport team, community leaders, and climate change and historic preservation experts on a 2 mile walk around the South End to explore the relationship between the city’s cultural heritage and sea level rise. Key stops include the Cottage District, Freeman Houses, regional power and transportation infrastructure, Seaside Village, Marina Village, and Seaside Park. This event is open to the public.
